

Soundable seeing

Soundable seeing

The variety of colors in the painting stimulates human vision. People recognize the picture through their eyes. Likewise, the sound of music stimulates human hearing to perceive it.

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Colored hearing

Colored hearing

The reaction to feeling the color in one sound is called 'colored hearing'. It has already been studied by Newton and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.

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Stringed clavier

Stringed clavier

There are various ways to feel sound which cannot be seen. One of them is feeling sound through vibration. Sound waves are transmitted to human by the sense of touch.

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Interactive music video

Interactive music video

There are various ways to feel sound which cannot be seen. One of them is feeling sound through vibration. Sound waves are transmitted to human by the sense of touch.

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The shape of sound

The shape of sound

This project shows a transition of images reacting by voices or other sound.

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Alphabet keyboard

Alphabet keyboard

I created a unique instrument inspired by the shape of the alphabet. You can feel interesting visual changes and sounds for each alphabet.

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The shape of whistle

The shape of whistle

What does the visual form of the sound of a whistling wind look like?

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Hand letter

Hand letter

When we were writing, we got used to pressing keyboards rather than holding pencils. It is very rare now to give someone a handwritten letter.

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